5 popular movies from the 1960s
The s (pronounced "nineteen-sixties", shortened to the "'60s" or the "Sixties") was a decade that began on January 1, , and ended on December 31, While the achievements of humans being launched into space, orbiting Earth, perform spacewalk and walking on the Moon extended exploration, the See more.
4 important figures from the 1960s other than presidents
Episodes of "Biography" series originally broadcast in early s, hosted by Mike Wallace.
1960s celebrities female
The s saw John F. Kennedy elected to the White House and gains in civil rights before America splintered amid cultural divisions and Vietnam War protests.
Famous people in 1960s
Biography is an American documentary television series and media franchise created in the s by David L. Wolper and owned by A&E Networks since Each episode depicts the life of a notable person with narration, on-camera interviews, photographs, and stock footage.