Mutta curry by lakshmi nair biography

Lakshmi nair recipes malayalam

She was born on 20th February, 1966 as the daughter of Dr. N. Narayanan Nair who is an eminent jurist and founder of Kerala Law Academy, the first private law school in Kerala.
mutta curry by lakshmi nair biography

Mutta curry by lakshmi nair biography

If you love to travel or been to Kerala, chances are that you have not missed on appam and mutta curry.

Lakshmi nair cookery book

It is a typical Thalasseri or Malabar recipe.Although it contain only 2 ingredient but it need extra talent in kitchen to make it in to a sucess.I failed in making it in a perfect way Missing: biography.

Lakshmi nair family
A popular anchor of TV shows and cookery programmes with a huge fan base Lekshmi Nair loves exploring new places and travels extensively.