Salah al din biography for kids
Saladin children
One of the most feared and revered leaders of Muslim peoples and armies during the time of the Crusades was Saladin.
Salahuddin ayyubi wife
Saladin ( - ) ('Salah Ad-din Yusuf Ibn Ayyub) founded the ethnically Kurdish Ayyubid dynasty of Egypt and Syria.
When was saladin born and died
In this fascinating biography of Salah al-Din, find out how one man united the Muslim people, retook Jerusalem from the Christians, and came to be known as one of the greatest and most .
How did salahuddin ayubi died
Salah al-din Biography (nonfiction), 1, words, Level Z2 (Grade 5+), Nonfiction Series, Lexile L Multilevel Book also available at other levels of text complexity In this fascinating biography of Salah al-Din, find out how one man united the Muslim people, retook Jerusalem from the Christians, and came to be known as one of the greatest.